b'Lobbyist UpdateBy Bigley and Blikle, LLC State GovernmentThose are nonstarters for me, so Overviewinstead of arguing about that, lets focus instead on this budget and the challenges it seeks to address.GOVERNOR JOSH SHAPIRO Legislative reaction to Governor Governor Shapiro presented hisShapiros presentation largely fell along proposed executive budget to a jointparty lines with Democrats praising session of the General Assembly onthe spending plan and Republicans March 7.At times, the one hour,decrying the excessive spending in the fifteen-minute speech felt like aface of a looming recession.presidential state of the union addressThis puts the Commonwealth of with an interesting mix of budgetPennsylvania on a path for financial Jonathan Bigley initiatives and general policy priorities.Partner, Bigley & Blikle Governor Shapiro also annunciatedfailure, said House Republican several issues that would draw vetoes. Appropriations Committee Chair In laying down these markers, GovernorSeth Grove (R, York).Senate Majority Shapiro stated: Appropriations Chair Scott Martin (R, Lancaster) stated, this budget is actually This budget is packed withoutspending revenues.Thats not fiscal commonsense solutions to thestability, and thats not good for the problems the people of Pennsylvaniafiscal health of the commonwealth.face every single day.We have twoNot all GOP comments, however, were significant opportunities over the nextbellicose.In offering an olive branch of year and a half to work together andsorts to Shapiro, Senate President Pro pass two budgets that deliver resultsTempore Kim Ward (R, Westmoreland) and solve problems. said, the governor said a lot of things Lets focus on that. Because we allthat we can all get on board with.We know there are certain debates thatjust need to find out how were going will go nowhere with me. to pay for those things.As long as Im Governor, this will neverTraditionally, the budget is adopted on be a right to work state. or about June 30.Much to legislative As long as Im Governor, LGBTQ+staffers consternation, the leadership Pennsylvanians will have the right tohas given notice that they should be marry who they love and be who available to work over the July 4 holiday.they are. In other gubernatorial news, cabinet And by the way, its long past time wenominees continue their Senate finally pass a nondiscrimination law. introductory meetings.Thus far, State As long as Im Governor, womenPolice Commissioner Christopher Paris will always have the right to chooseand Attorney General Michelle Henryand access to abortion and allhave been confirmed by the state reproductive health care. Senate.Nomination hearings will And the right to vote will never beresume in late April.infringed upon.6 PACEP News | Spring 2023'