b'ACEP LAC24 HighlightsPennsylvania was well represented at theACEP Leadership & Advocacy Conference (LAC)held April 1416, 2024.Issues discussed with congressional staff included:Protecting Emergency Physicians and Healthcare Workers From Violence Guaranteeing Emergency Physician Due Process RightsEmergency Department Boarding: A Public Health CrisisProtecting Medicares Promise for Physicians and Patient Next years event will be held April 2729, 2025,so mark your calendars now!A Case of Non-Accidental TraumaTHIS SPRING AT SA, THE PACEP PEM TEAM PRESENTED A CASE OF NON-ACCIDENTAL TRAUMA.Pictured are (from L-R) PACEP PEM physiciansNancy Clemens, Jason Crellin, Teresa Romano,Susan Yaeger, and Theresa Walls. For helpful resources to recognize, respondto, and report child abuse, click theQR code to the right.10 PACEP News | Summer 2024'