b'be found on the ACEP website: State Legislative Dashboardparticipating in the improvement of https://www.acep.org/what-we- ACEP has introduced a Stateemergency department care for this believe/actions-on-council-resolutions Legislative Dashboard where memberspopulation of patientADVOCACYcan view ACEPs impact in legislationWHATS NEXTthat affects emergency physicians: ACEP at the AMA House of Delegates https://www.acep.org/state-advocacy/ The ACEP Board will meet in Las Vegas, state-legislative-dashboard NV in September during ACEP24.ACEP had strong representation and Members are welcome to attend these influence at the recent AMA HouseENGAGEMENT meetings. of Delegates meeting in June 2024. ACEPs delegation to the AMA playedResidency Visits Your continued PACEP and ACEP a key role in new AMA policies inResidency visits by ACEP and Chaptermembership and engagement are protecting emergency physicians andleaders are continuing in the newappreciated! preventing scope creep by reaffirmingacademic yearphysician-led teams. The AMA meetingAs always, please reach out with included action on private equity,Geriatric ED Accreditation questions, comments, or other non-competes, due process, and the The ACEP Geriatric Emergencyfeedback to me at ckraus@acep.on-site presence of physicians in allorg. Thank you for the opportunity emergency departments.Department Accreditation (GEDA)to represent you on the ACEP program now has over 500 sitesBoard.SPRINGPACEP ACCOMPLISHMENTS2024(04/03/2406/11/24)ADVOCACY ENGAGEMENT GOVERNANCE Continued work on ACEP public policyImplementation of PACEP Lecture Successful Board Transition grant on pediatric boarding Series with PACEP MSCCompleted model bylaws review Received approval for grant on Participation on DOH/PAMED/ with ACEP Underage Drinking Healthcare Coalition on EDMaintained balanced budget Several successful legislative dinners/ OvercrowdingreceptionsSen. Argall and Rep.EDUCATIONVenkatSuccessful PACEP24 ScientificSuccessful LAC by PACEP delegationAssembly Successful PACEP Olympics Publishing of Spivey Abstracts in JACEP OpenPACEP News | Spring 2024 19'