b'Lobbyist UpdateBy Bigley and Blikle, LLC THE STATE BUDGETTo view HB 1633 PN 3486, please use NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUEthe link below:HB 1633 PN 3504.cfm BEYOND JUNE 30 DEADLINE(state.pa.us)With the June 30 state budget deadline in the rearview mirror, House, Senate, and Shapiro AdministrationHouse Health negotiations continued theirCommittee Chair discussions beyond the July 4th holidayDan Frankel (D, weekend. Both chambers returned toAllegheny)voting session during the week of July 8 with the final resolution achieved on July 11. The $47.6 billion spending plan Jonathan Bigley at 11 PM that night. TELEMEDICINE LEGISLATION Partner, Bigley & BlikleSIGNED INTO LAW NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT LEGISLATION MOVING Governor Josh Shapiro signed SB 739 PN 1670 on July 3.Act 42 of 2024 takes HB 1633 PN 3487, legislation toeffect in 90 days.PACEPs lobbying ban non-compete agreement forteam was able to ensure that Remote medical professionals, passed thePatient Monitoring and other important legislature and was presented toelements were retained in the legislation. Governor Josh Shapiro on July 12. TheSB 739 was sponsored by Senator Elder bill was sponsored by House HealthVogel (R, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence).Committee Chair Dan Frankel (D,Although Act 42 is not in print as of this Allegheny). The final version, which iswriting, please see the link below for SB effective on January 1, 2025, would: 739 PN 1670: SB 739 PN 1670.cfm1)Define health care practitioners as(state.pa.us)a medical doctor, an osteopathic doctor, a certified registered nurse anesthetist, a certified registered nurse practitioner, and a physicians assistance. Senator Elder Vogel 2)Modifies the definition of non- (R, Beaver, Butler, compete covenant to state thatLawrence)the agreement would have the effect of impeding the health care practitioners ability to continue toCRNP INDEPENDENT PRACTICE treat patients or accept new patients. ADVANCES IN THE SENATE3)Allow an employer to enforce a non- SB 25 PN 1797, legislation to provide compete agreement for one year. CRNPs independent practice, was 4) Retain the employer cost recoveryamended by the Senate Consumer and patient notification provisions. ProSB 25 PN 1797, legislation to 6 PACEP News | Summer 2024'