b'CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER.We know that our PACEP members are doing great things, but we dont always know about promotions, accomplishments, etc.If you know of someone that deserves a shout-out, please email Jan Reisinger at exec@pacep.net.2024-2025 Executive CommitteeL to R: Elizabeth Barrall Werley, MD, FACEPPresident-Elect; Jennifer Savino, DO, FACEPPresident; Blake Bailey, DO, FACEPVice President; Richard Hamilton, MD, MBA, FACEPImmediate Past President; Holly Stankewicz, DO, FACEPSecretary;Theresa Walls, MD, MPHTreasurer20242025 Resident Board MembersL to R: Zeenah Mansour, MD (Geisinger); George Koshy, DO (Geisinger);Kyle Hughes, MD (Jefferson); Lauren Altomare, DO (Lehigh Valley Health Network)20242025 PACEP Board of Directors14 PACEP News | Summer 2024'