b'June PACEP Medical Student CouncilENGAGE Speaker Series By Monisha Bindra, DO, MPH, FACEPin emergency medicine (EM), but alsoresidency programs who discussed in helping their peers become exposedHow to shine on Rotation.Thank you to EM earlier in their medical studentto Holly Stankewicz DO, FACEP (St. Lukes curriculum.Bethlehem), Julie Tondt MD (Penn State I have been impressed by theirHershey), and Christopher Wilson MD, commitment and organized effortsFACEP (Geisinger) for joining me in the to increase their online presence andfirst discussion in this series.expand our #Traininpa campaign byI have always loved the specialty of incorporating residency take oversemergency medicine and am excited within their Instagram storyline.Theyabout the future of this profession.The have clearly defined the roles for eachexecutive board of the Medical Student medical school liaison to coordinate aCouncil, currently led by Eric Malani MS4, Monisha Bindra, DO, MPH, FACEP unique monthly online lecture event ledare motivated and innovative young PACEP MSC Board Liaison by an emergency medicine physicianleaders in medicine and may be the from their home institution.Similarly,future leaders of emergency medicine. they have incorporated journal clubWe invite you to engage with our I previously found myself wonderingarticle discussions at their bimonthlymedical student learners as they embark what the Medical Student Councilmeetings. on their journey.If you have an interest (MSC) was and what they did as ain being a speaker for the quarterly group.As the MSC board liaison, ITogether, we have created a PACEPEngage series or the monthly Medical have the privilege of getting to knowleadership quarterly speaking seriesStudent Council speaker series, we invite many members and learn aboutcalled ENGAGE.The goal is to exposeyou to click on the link below.what is relevant to the young aspiringand involve medical students in emergency medicine physician. Whatmeaningful encounters with leaders#TraininPAI have discovered along this recentwithin PACEP and our residency journey is that they are an organized,programs throughout the state.WePACEP Speaker Interest Form impassioned group of medicalhad our first panel discussion on May(jotform.com)students who are not only interested22nd with faculty members from four Future PACEP Scientific Assemblies at KalahariSAVE Resorts & Conventions, Pocono Manor, PA T H E 2025:April 2426 DATES2026:April 29May 32027:May 68PACEP News | Summer 2024 9'