b'Peer Mentorship in ResidencyBy Hope Allen, DO and Dakota Clouser, DOWellness Committees have becomeFor the interns, moving to a new place, an important part of Graduatemeeting all new people, and essentially Medical Education across thestarting over can be daunting. Having country. At Geisinger Medicalsomeone to talk about where to live, Center our Emergency Medicinewhat restaurants or grocery stores are Wellness Committees goal was toaround, how to prepare for day one at evaluate and support the needsthe hospital, etc. would hopefully make of our residents regarding theirthe transition into residency easier. For professional, physical, emotional,the second years, having a PGY-3 to and environmental wellness. Overtalk to about jobs and fellowships, new upper-level responsibilities, patient the past year, the committee decidedvolumes, etc. from someone who just that a peer mentorship programwent through the process and can give Hope Allen, DOwould be critical to help achieve itsthem accurate and insider knowledge Former Chief Resident, Geisinger goal.The Big-Little Program wascould help ease the transition from created to support incoming internsintern to upper. as they transition from medicalWe matched 2nd and 3rd-year residents school to residency and help buildwith a new intern and provided a camaraderie within the residencyloose outline of check-in requirements program. throughout the year.Upper-level Peer mentoring has been shown toresidents were also provided with increase socialization and decreasediscussion points and goals that should symptoms of burnout. It provides a safebe accomplished at these check-ins. place for team members to vent theirUppers reached out to their interns frustrations and work through solutionsright after the Match and formal check-to problems they may encounter inins began during June orientation the workplace. Faculty mentoring canand continued throughout the year.increase career success in the form ofTopics covered at check-ins included: Dakota Clouser, DO research, professional development,off-service rotation feedback, difficult PGY-3, Geisinger and counseling.However, it can beclinical cases/outcomes, issues with intimidating for an intern to approachhome and family, future goals, and faculty about resident-specific issuesaspirations, and job frustrations.When that they are facing for the first time.talking about the mentorship program, Peer mentorship can help bridge thisinterns liked the support system from gap, so interns are able to expressvarious residents at different levels of concerns to a designated group of peerstraining allowing them to gain insight who provide support and guidanceinto the residency as a whole.if conflicts arise. It also developsPeer mentoring has been well received leadership skills of upper-level residentsin our residency and is an easy to as mentors. incorporate strategy to help interns feel My goal with the Big-Little programconnected to a program immediately was to help interns and second yearsafter match day and build camaraderie transitions a little bit easier. says Hopewithin a program.Allen, former chief resident, and co-developer of the Big- Little program. PACEP News | Summer 2024 11'