b'WINTER 2025EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE PACEP: Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Forward to 2025!By Jennifer L. Savino, DO, FACEPAs we enter the new year, PACEP is excited to share upcoming opportunities!But first, here is a look back at our accomplishments in the final quarter of 2024:Hosted our first-ever virtual Coffee Club featuring Senator Argall and Representative Arvind Venkat.Jennifer L. Savino, DO, FACEP Conducted a successful PEP-PAC Fall Campaign to replenish funds that were PACEP President 2024-2025 distributed ahead of the election.Supported PA Physicians impacted NES Health bankruptcy. Created a new PACEP scholarship for Increasing Diversity Experience of Emergency Medicine.A dedicated task force is now refocusing PACEPs social media content on member and physician interests. Follow us on your preferred platform for exciting updates and improved content tailored to you!PACEP leaders actively participated in multiple virtual meetings with the Department of Health this fall to discussed proposed language to for their hospital regulations update. We are pleased that many of our suggestions were well-received, and we Mark your calendars for theeagerly await the release of the draft regulations this spring to provide further input.PACEP 25 Scientific AssemblyPACEP has been a key voice in discussions about ED overcrowding in another series at Kalahari Resorts in theof meetings in conjunction with the Department of Health (DOH), Hospital and Poconos, April 2426! Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP), and the Pennsylvania Medical This years theme, TraumaSociety (PAMED).Our members contributed significantly to each subgroup and led in EM, will bring togethertwo of them. A draft of proposed solutions will be shared this spring before being emergency physicians fromsubmitted to the governor.across the state for three daysWe are working with B&B to plan our first PACEP Lobbying Day for October 2025.of learning, collaboration, andThis important event will allow us to advocate directly with legislators on issues connection. Registration is nowaffecting emergency medicine in Pennsylvania. Stay tuned for more details as the open, so secure your spot andlegislative calendar is finalized!book your hotel today! Thank you, as always, for everything you do to take care of patients across the state of Pennsylvania. Together, were making a real difference in the future of emergency medicine!'