b"PACEP extends its deepest gratitudeits commitment to shaping healthcarethe forthcoming regulations address to President Jennifer Savino, DO,policies that prioritize patientthe complexities of emergency care President-Elect Elizabeth Werley,outcomes and operational excellence.delivery.MD, Vice President Blake Bailey, DO,By representing the perspectives ofStay tuned for updates as the DOH Treasurer Theresa Walls, MD, Secretaryemergency physicians, PACEP hasprepares to release the proposed Holly Stankewicz, DO, Board Memberplayed a pivotal role in ensuring thatregulations in the coming months.Monisha Bindra, DO Board Member Erik Kochert, MD, Board Member Christopher Berry, MD, EMS Committee Co-Chair Bryan Wexler, MD, and Government Affairs Committee Co-Chair Angela Cai, MD for their invaluable contributions throughout these processes. Their dedication and expertise were instrumental in advocating for patients and emergency physicians, thus improving healthcare regulations.PACEP's active participation in this process underscores 20252026 LEGISLATIVEThe political divide between theretiring members were retained by the SESSION: GENERAL ASSEMBLYparties remains the same with 28predecessors party.This is yet another RETURNS TUESDAY, Senate Republicans facing 22 Senateexample of Pennsylvanias nearly even JANUARY 7, 2025Democrats.Although the Senatepolitical divide.Democrats captured a DauphinThe Senate and House leadership The General Assembly convenes forCounty senatorial district held by a Opening Day on January 7, 2025.Theretiring Senate Republican, they lost ateams will feature new faces.The largely ceremonial event will featureDemocratically held seat in Philadelphia. Senate Republican Caucus re-elected the election of the Senate President ProSo, while there will be new faces in thetheir entire 20232024 leadership Tempore and the Speaker of the House. Pennsylvania Senate, politically at least,team, but on Opening Day, they will Both should be uncontested tallies withmuch will be the same. need to replace Majority Whip Ryan Senator Kim Ward (R, Westmoreland)Aument (Lancaster) who retired from and Representative Joanna McClintonOn the House side of the Capitol,the Senate in December to join US (D, Philadelphia) returning to theDemocrats will again hold a slimSenator Dave McCormicks staff as State top leadership posts for the second102 majority over the House GOPsDirector.Physician champion Senator consecutive session.Committee101 members.In a rare electoralDavid Argall (Schuylkill) joins the chairs and members will likely also beoccurrence, every House member wholeadership as Policy Committee Chair.announced that day. ran for re-election won and all seats of continue reading on page 8PACEP News | Winter 2025 7"