b'DC office continues to work tirelesslycommunication channels. The letterENGAGEMENTwith Congressional staff and officialscan be found here: https://www.acep.to negate these cuts as part of anorg/siteassets/sites/acep/media/ Residency Visitsanticipated March 2025 funding bill. latest-news/acep-letter-regarding- Residency visits by ACEP and Chapter ACEP continues to advocate Congressnes-health_121324.pdf leaders are ongoing. If you know of a to reauthorize the Dr. Lorna Breen ACEP continues to take the lead onresidency program that would like to schedule an ACEP visit Health Care Provider Protection Act.ED Boarding and participated in the ACEP played a central role in the initialAHRQ Summit on Boarding inACEP24 in Las Vegas was a successpassage of this critical legislation toOctober 2024.with high turnout numbers. Feedback improve mental and behavioral health On December 12, 2024, ACEP senthas been positive about new formats among health care professionals. and programs including the Section a letter to the Leapfrog GroupHall Crawl. Were looking forward toThe ACEP-supported, bipartisan,requesting inclusion of mandatory ACEP25 in Salt Lake City.Emergency Medical Services forand meaningful measures and Children (EMSC) Reauthorization Actevaluation of ED boarding in theWHATS NEXTwas signed into law on December2025 Leapfrog Hospital Survey. The 23, 2024. This legislation continuesletter can be found here: https:// The ACEP Board meets in January 2025 funding for the EMSC through 2029www.acep.org/siteassets/new-pdfs/ during ACEP Accelerate. and helps support programs suchadvocacy/12.11-leapfrog-group-as pediatric readiness in emergencyhospital-survey-proposed-changes_ Your continued PACEP and ACEP departments. acep-comments.pdf.membership and engagement are appreciated! ACEP sent a letter to NES Health-ACEP continues to advocate foraffiliated hospital executives, EDfair reimbursement for emergencyAs always, please reach out with directors, and employers assumingphysicians. In December 2024, ACEPquestions, comments, or other NES contracts. In this letter, ACEPjoined with Anesthesiology andfeedback to me at ckraus@acep.reaffirmed its policies surroundingRadiology specialty societies to sendorg. Your input matters and emergency physician employmentHHS a letter about ghost ratesthethe Board is listening to you! protections. This letter is beingpractice of setting artificially lowThank you for the opportunity to distributed widely through ACEP Qualifying Payment Amounts (QPAs).represent you on the ACEP Board. Future PACEP Scientific Assemblies at KalahariSAVE Resorts & Conventions, Pocono Manor, PA T H E 2025:April 2426 DATES2026:April 29May 32027:May 68PACEP News | s | Spring 2024Winter 2025 21'