b'Football & Free ClinicsBy Grace VanGordershow or have insurance coverage. ThisMany students across the nation then decreases the health care burdenparticipate in free health clinics. on our local emergency departmentThere is such a push to participate given the large influx of out-of-townin community service activities in visitors for the day. Like many ofundergraduate and medical school your own departments, our local 62education, but why should that stop bed emergency department is oftenafter youve reached the end goal of overflowing on a normal day. Thisbeing a paid physician. At the end of free-clinic system provides care forthe day, I believe free clinics represent many people with simple acute medicalthe core values within emergency issues without overwhelming themedicine. The ability to jump into local emergency system and allows anaction when the flight attendant Grace VanGorder opportunity for medical students to begets on the loudspeaker to ask, is MSII; MSC Liaison for Penn State introduced to event based patient care. there a doctor on board? Using the COM University Park I have found it to be such an incredibleresources available to provide care for experience to use the competenciespatients quickly and efficiently is what As a medical student at Penn State,I have developed so far as a second- Emergency Medicine Physicians do day football Saturday has quickly becomeyear medical student to provide carein and day out.my favorite day of the week. However,to those in need. There is a place forI feel lucky to be able to combine probably not for the reason youd think.learners at any part of the medicalmy love for sporting events with my At every home game, medical students, residents, attending physicians, nurses, passion for medicine, EMTs and Paramedics come togetherwhich ultimately makes to volunteer their time and create avolunteering fun. miniature emergency room in BeaverAt the end of the day, I believeWhile also focusing on Stadium itself. In an arena with 110,000patient care, I can cheer attendees in the same place at thefree clinics represent the corefor my favorite team same time, the likelihood of someonevalues within emergencyalongside my inspiring experiencing a medical emergencymedical colleagues. medicine. The ability toThe education and the is quite high. The normalization oftraining we receive drinking culture associated withjump into action when the college football increases that riskflight attendant gets on theis a privilege. As we exponentially. In the emergency clinic,embark on this new we see many patients with substanceloudspeaker to ask, is there ayear, I encourage you to use emergencies, but also with allergicdoctor on board? seek ways to use your reactions, lacerations, musculoskeletalskillset to give back injuries, cardiovascular events andto your community. more. We treat and release or treatVolunteering leaves and transfer patients, using paperjourney to play a role in patient careme feeling fulfilled and inspired, as it documents and never requestingand it is done well within this model.allows me to connect with others and insurance information or payment.It is inspiring to me as a future EMcontribute to something greaterphysician to use the knowledge I havethan myself.The benefit of this system is two-fold:the privilege of learning to benefit of providing a free service where everyonemy community. can receive care without the need to PACEP News | Winter 2025 17'