b"Are you ready to become a Fellow?Youll need: Three continuous years of ACEP membershipBoard Certification in EM via the ABEM or AOBEM or Pediatric EM by ABP To learn more visit:Three years of active involvement in EM (exclusive of residency training) https://www.acep.org/membership/membership/join- Proven, active involvement in three or more areas of leadership acep/fellow-status/ If you are not a FellowI would personally like to inviteshows your colleagues in EmergencyAPPLY NOW and take full advantage you to apply for fellow status in theMedicine, and more importantly, inof your ACEP membership and American College of Emergencyother specialties that you interactreceive the recognition you deserve!Physicians. If youve graduated fromwith, that Emergency Medicine is residency three years ago or moremore than just a job for you - it shows and youve been active in Emergencythat youre a highly trained specialist Medicineits time to considerwith a skill set second to none. Apply being recognized as FACEP. Activeby August 15 and you will be able to involvement in the specialty at youruse the FACEP designation followingRichard J. Hamilton, MD, MBA, FACEP hospital, involvement in three areasyour induction at the ConvocationPACEP Immediate Past President, of leadership (such as membershipduring ACEP's Scientific AssemblyPennsylvania College of Emergency on hospital committees, teaching,(SA) the last weekend of September.Physiciansresearch, administrative, EMS, orAll newly elected FACEPs will also PACEP), and board-certification is allreceive an official Fellow certificate you need to become a fellow of theafter ACEPs Scientific Assembly.College. Why bother you say? FACEP PACEP HAS A STORE!Get the latest in PACEP gearJackets and Vests embroidered with the PACEP Logo. Personalization is also available.Visit doc-mom.com/collections/pacep-apparel18 PACEP News | Winter 2025"