b'Lobbyist Updatecontinued.The Senate Democrats elevated twoThe House Republicans will see theRepresentative David Rowe (Union) as new senators to leadership posts. most dramatic changes in leadership. Policy Committee Chair.Senator Steven Santarsiero (Bucks) willRepresentative Jesse Topper (Bedford)With bills being reintroduced and be their Caucus Secretary, and Senatorwill succeed Representative BryanGovernor Josh Shapiros budget address Nick Miller (Lehigh) will become theCutler (Lancaster) as Floor Leader. on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, we Policy Committee Chair. Representative Cutler did not seekanticipate a slow start to the session The majority House Democratsa return to the post.Representativewith significant action not occurring likewise elected two new leaders. Jim Struzzi (Indiana) was electeduntil April and May.Representative Mike SchlossbergAppropriations Committee Chair in (Lehigh) will be their new Whip, anda three-way race.Other new leaders Representative Rob Matzie (Beaver) wasinclude Representative Clint Owlett elected Caucus Chair. (Bradford) as Caucus Secretary and SENATE LEADERSHIPPRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE - DESIGNATE KIM WARD Majority MinorityFloor Leader Joe Pittman Jay CostaWhip VACANT Christine M. TartaglioneCaucus Chair Kristin Phillips-Hill Maria CollettCaucus Secretary Camera Bartolotta Steven J. SantarsieroAppropriations Committee Chair Scott Martin Vincent J. HughesCaucus Administrator Lisa Baker Judith L. SchwankPolicy Committee Chair David G. Argall Nick MillerHOUSE LEADERSHIPPRESUMPTIVE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE-DESIGNATE JOANNA MCCLINTON Majority MinorityFloor Leader Matt Bradford Jesse TopperWhip Mike Schlossberg Tim ONealCaucus Chair Rob Matzie Martina WhiteCaucus Secretary Tina Davis Clint OwlettAppropriations Committee Chair Jordan Harris Jim StruzziCaucus Administrator Leanne Krueger Sheryl DeLozierPolicy Committee Chair Ryan Bizzarro David Rowe8 PACEP News | Winter 2025'