b'GCCT services. By collaborating withdevelop and maintain GCCT programs,CONCLUSIONhealthcare systems, policymakers, andespecially in underserved areas.transport agencies, we can: Ground critical care transport is 2. Standardize Training and Protocols:an indispensable component ofHighlight the clinical scenarios whereFurther establish statewide Pennsylvanias healthcare system, yet GCCT provides optimal care. standards for critical care transportit remains underdeveloped in manyAdvocate for funding to supportteams, ensuring consistency andregions. By addressing the existing quality of care.the expansion of ground transportgaps and investing in this vital service, fleets and the training of specialized3.Leverage Technology: Considerwe can ensure timely, effective, and personnel. incorporation of telemedicineequitable care for all Pennsylvanians. capabilities into ground transportAs emergency physicians, our advocacy Foster partnerships between ruralunits to enable real-timecan drive the changes needed to hospitals and urban tertiary centers toconsultation with acceptingexpand GCCT capabilities, ultimately streamline patient transfer processes. specialists during transit. saving lives and improving outcomes across the state.POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS 4. Enhance Public Awareness: Educatecommunities and stakeholders about To address these challenges andthe importance of GCCT and its role improve access to GCCT, Pennsylvaniain improving patient outcomes and should: reducing costs.1.Expand Funding and Resources: Allocate state and federal funding to Psychiatric Transfer Best PracticeRecommendationsWhen transferring psychiatric patients to psychiatricsecurity concerns. It also emphasizes the importance facilities equipped to provide a higher level of psychiatricof timely transfers, appropriate use of resources, and care, ensuring safety and dignity is paramount. Thereducing the need for interfacility transfers through Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians (PACEP)enhanced psychiatric care availability. These guidelines EMS committee has identified some challenges in thisaim to support emergency physicians in making informed, area. Therefore, the EMS committee convened and throughpatient-centered decisions while navigating the logistical multiple iterations and consensus meetings developedand ethical challenges of psychiatric transfers.best practice recommendations to guide physicians through these complex decisions. This document outlines key considerations, includingVIEW BEST PRACTICESpatient safety, transport logistics, and the balance between respecting patient dignity and addressing PACEP News | Winter 2025 11'