b'In Loving Memory of: Jesse Allen Weigel, MD, FACEP July 18, 1933December 12, 2023, MechanicsburgPhysicians (ACEP), even starting aled him to his second career as a sous Pennsylvania Chapter. Jesse was thechef at the Kitchen Shoppe Cooking first Director of Emergency MedicineSchool in Carlisle.at Passavant Hospital in Pittsburgh.Jesse was an active member of Pine He helped create three emergencyStreet Presbyterian Church where medical service organizations thenhe was a Stephen Minister. He also united the areas diverse services intoserved as an elder and a trustee, a cohesive system. He became theserving numerous times in each Director for the Pennsylvania Medicalrole, including as Treasurer and Services Council and was a nationalPresident. Jesse was a proud member speaker. He was involved in theof the Scottish Society of Central startup of the Pittsburgh ParamedicPennsylvania (Clan Mackay) where he Dr. Weigel was a Past President Program and served as its Medicalserved as treasurer for 17 years.of PACEP, serving in this role twice Operations Director.in 1975-1976 and then again in Though he carried an MD at the end 1986-1987In 1979, Harrisburg Hospital recruitedof his name, he also cherished his role Jesse to become its Director ofas a dad. Regular Sunday dinners and Jesse Allen Weigel, MD, FACEP, age 90,Emergency Medical Service. Jessetrips with his three children, Karen L. of Messiah Village Mechanicsburg,was the Sr. Vice President and ChiefWeigel of Dillsburg, Kevin L. Weigel PA, joined the Church TriumphantMedical Officer of Pinnacle Healthand his wife Helen, of Harrisburg, and on December 12, 2023. He was bornSystem from 1984 until his retirementJennifer A. Hudson and her husband July 18, 1933, in Pittsburgh, PA to thein 2000. During this period, he alsoRichard, of York were some of his late Dr. John E. Weigel and H. Irenedeveloped the paramedic programfondest memories. Spending time Weigel. For 53 years, he was marriedat the Harrisburg Area Communitywith his grandchildren, Caitlin Corkery to Janet Kay (McMeans) Weigel whoCollege. Throughout his career and(Daniel), Andrew Weigel, Abigail preceded him in death. Together theyinto retirement, Jesse continued toHudson, Ethan Hudson, and Marcy build a life centered on family andact as a leader in his field, serving inWeigel and his great grandchildren, service to others. many leadership roles and on variousElijah Roush, and Helene Corkery, was Jesse was a graduate of Oliver Highboards, establishing new programs,another source of joy.School before attending the Universityand forever sharing his knowledge of Pittsburgh where he earned his BSwith others in organizations tooJesse was also preceded in death by and MD degrees. He began his careernumerous to list, but near to his heart. his brothers, Dr. A. Linn Weigel, The in family medicine but soon foundOf course, he was so much more thanRev. Rea S. Weigel, and Dr. John E. his passion in emergency medicine.his professional accomplishments.Weigel, Jr.As a pioneer of the field, Jesse wasJesse traveled extensively, was an avidMemorial contributions can be made instrumental in establishing it as agardener, lover of anything Snoopy,to the music program (MAPS) at Pine specialty. He was a founding memberand lived to root for his Pitt Panthers.Street Presbyterian Church, 310 North of the American College of EmergencyHis passion for cooking family dinners3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.16 PACEP News | Winter 2024'