b'UPCOMING PEP-PAC UpdateEVENTS By Michael Boyd, MD3/12/2025PEP-PAC also waged a successful lobbying PACEP Board of Directors campaign against Nurse Ratios HB 106 in (Harrisburg) the PA Senate.This bill mandated strict inpatient nurse ratios, which would have 4/23/2025severely exacerbated our ED boarding PACEP Board of Directors situation.PACEP members engaged in Kalahari Resorts, Pocono Manor successful grassroots advocacy against this 4/244/26/2025bill, and it died in the senate. PACEP25 Scientific Assembly These 2024 successes highlight the Kalahari Resorts, Pocono Manor importance of PEP-PAC, and show that 4/274/29/2025your contributions are effective. ACEP Leadership & AdvocacyIn 2025, PEP-PAC will focus on nurse Conference (LAC) Michael Boyd, MDpractitioner scope of practice, medical Washington, DC PEP-PAC Chair malpractice reform, and mental health 9/59/6/2025initiatives. ACEP CouncilThe Pennsylvania Emergency Salt Lake City, Utah Physicians Political ActionAt its core, lobbying is a means of educating legislators about issues 9/79/10/2025Committee (PEP-PAC) is theaffecting us.ACEP25 Scientific Assembly lobbying arm of PACEP.In 2025, Salt Lake City, Utah PEP-PAC looks forward to buildingThese issues have a real, tangible impact on our profession and livelihood. upon on 2024 success. Thanks to PEP-PAC, we have stopped In 2024, PEP-PAC advocated forbad bills from being signed into law and banning non-compete agreementspromoted successful legislation, such and mandating insurance companiesas reimbursing for tele-medicine and cover tele-medicine services. HB 1633,banning non-compete contracts.sponsored by House former PACEPPEP-PAC needs your contributions president Rep. Arvind Venkat, bannedso that our voices can be heard.noncompete agreements and passed the PA House. Gov. Josh Shapiro signedWithout lobbying dollars, it is into law SB 739, requiring healthdifficult to share our knowledge.insurers and managed care plans toWe are the experts uniquely pay for covered health care servicespositioned to present real provided through telemedicine. Thesesolutions. Remember: you either were big wins for our specialty and ourhave a seat at the dinner table or patients.you are on the dinner plate.DONATE NOW 16 PACEP News | Winter 2025'