b'Lobbyist UpdateBy Bigley and Blikle, LLC PACEP ADVOCATES FORsetting, a recommendation that was PATIENT-CENTERED HOSPITALwell-received by DOH.REGULATIONS AND ED Section 135.5 (Surgical Emergency BOARDING REMEDIES INCare): PACEP highlighted the PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OFcritical need for surgeons and HEALTH WORKGROUPSanesthesiologists to be available on-Since August 2024, PACEP leaders havecall to prevent patient abandonment. actively engaged in the PennsylvaniaThis concern was incorporated into Department of Health (DOH)-ledthe discussions to strengthen patient hospital regulation update initiative. care standards.This comprehensive process aims toPrivate Equity Ownership and enhance patient care, operationalFinancial Transparency: During Jonathan Bigley efficiency, and compliance with state Partner, Bigley & Blikle discussions on hospital ownership and and federal standards and will result infinancial reporting, PACEP advocated proposed regulations that are expectedfor including physician staffing to be unveiled in the Spring of 2025. agencies in these requirements. This Throughout the stakeholders process,recommendation was influenced PACEP leaders diligently worked toby the NES Health case, ensuring represent the interests of patients andaccountability across all entities emergency physicians and to ensureinvolved in patient care.that any regulatory modifications wouldConcurrently, PACEP is leading support high-quality emergency care. another DOH workgroup focused Key Highlights from theon the problems that cause and are Engagement associated with emergency department overcrowding. The workgroup is Commitment to Physician- comprised of seven subgroups:Staffed Hospital Departments: EMS / Prehospital Careled by Board DOH affirmed its dedication to maintaining physician-staffed hospitalMember Christopher Berry, MD departments, including emergency Transfer to External Facilitiesled bydepartments, a priority advocated PACEP Vice President Blake Bailey, MDby PACEP.Healthcare WorkforceNurse Staffing Ratios: The inclusion ofIn-Hospital Barriers / Challenges nurse staffing ratios in the proposed Pediatricsregulations garnered intense scrutiny.Primary CarePresident-Elect Elizabeth Werley, MD, representing PACEP at this meeting,Social Determinants of Healthemphasized the unique challengesEach subgroup will provide three to four of patient flow in emergencyrecommendations, and the Governor departments. She advocated forwill submit his report by mid-2025.excluding rigid staffing ratios in the ED 6 PACEP News | Winter 2025'