b"Pet WellnessOver two-thirds of American households have some type of animal companion; dogs, cats and fish make up the three most common pets. There's even a term for the positive impact animals can have on human healthzooeyia.The PACEP Wellness/Young Physicians Section members have several furry companions that add wholesomeness to their lives. Dog Indy enjoyed some time on the boat at the Jersey Shore with Monisha Bindra and her familyfishing for flounder in the Bay!Michael Galuska has a cat named Winter and chihuahuas Holmes and Watson. Adventure buddy Gus loves joining Jenn Spinozzi for any thrill!Michelle Appel has Lucy, an all-American mutt who loves peanut butter.Check out this article to learn more about pet wellness: Pets' Impact on Your Patients' Health: Leveraging Benefits andMitigating Risk. Jenn Spinozzi adventuring with buddy, Gus12 PACEP News | Winter 2025"