b'WellSpan York Hospitals Emergency Medicine ResidencyBy Amber Billet, MD, FACEPThe WellSpan York HospitalWHAT MAKES OUR PROGRAM Emergency Medicine ResidencyUNIQUE? Program is in its 36th year! Our large number of fellowship trained We are a high volume, high acuity levelattendings allows residents to learn 1 trauma center, comprehensive strokea wide breadth of the various sub-center with neurointervention, STEMIspecialties of Emergency Medicine center and resuscitate patients beingincluding Forensics, Critical Care, placed on ECMO. Last year our annualUltrasound, Simulation, EMS, Disaster ED volume was over 93,000! Being aMedicine, Medical Education, and community academic hybrid trainingGlobal Health.Residents are able to program, with very few subspecialtysign up voluntarily for interest tracks fellows and no anesthesia residencyto obtain focused mentorship in these Amber Billet, MD, FACEP program, our residents are veryareas to help them develop a niche Program Director unopposed.They have a large amountduring residency which is great for of autonomy clinically and procedurally. building CVs and for those interested Residents will be not just competentin applying for fellowships.PROGRAM DETAILS: but confident when they graduate. Community academic hybrid:Being Our graduates can work in any setting Program Length: 3 years a community academic hybrid, you they choose after residency: university,get top notch hands on clinical and Number of residents: 39 community based or attain competitive fellowships. We have over 330 alumniprocedural training. We have no Location: York, PA practicing in 48 states! subspecialty trauma, critical care, Website: yhemresidency.com urology, ENT, or thoracic fellows WHAT TYPES OF PATIENTS WILL I SEEso residents have a large amount Instagram: @yhemresidency, AT YORK? of autonomy of their patients. @yhemultrasound, @yhemtox Additionally, we have all of the We have a very large catchment areaacademic resources available including and serve a unique urban, suburbana robust research department and and rural patient population. Wesimulation center.see everything from farm injuries to penetrating trauma. We have manyWe have a longitudinal pediatric non-English speaking patients withexperience. We do not have a Spanish and Haitian Creole being theseparate pediatric ED so residents 2nd and 3rd most common languageswill see pediatric patients every being spoken.In addition to theshift. Additionally, we do not have culturally diverse patient populationa Pediatric ICU so our residents are we serve, there is a large amount ofthe ones actively resuscitating and socioeconomic diversity which allowsintubating our pediatric patients.our residents to identify various social determinants of health factors and help patients find solutions.14 PACEP News | Winter 2025'