b'Advocating for More Ground Critical Care Transport in PennsylvaniaBy Avram Flamm, DO, FACEPAs the landscape of healthcaremedical needs. GCCT also provides continues to evolve, one criticalan important resource for patients aspect that demands our attentionrequiring CCT when weather does not is the accessibility and availability ofpermit transport by air. ground critical care transport (GCCT) in Pennsylvania. While air medicalADDRESSING GAPS IN CURRENT services are abundantly available andSERVICESoften dominate the conversation, ground transport can be an essential,1.Geographic Disparities: Rural cost-effective, and reliable option forregions often lack the necessary critically ill or injured patients. Manyresources to support adequate GCCT patient who require Critical Careservices. This results in delayed Avram Flamm, DO, FACEP Transport (CCT) level of care could betransport times and compromised PACEP EMS Committee Chair safely transported by ground if thatoutcomes for patients requiring resource was available timely andspecialized care.not necessarily require air medical2. Cost Efficiency: While air medical transport. Despite its significance,services are invaluable for certain Pennsylvania faces a pressing needscenarios, they are significantly more to expand and enhance its GCCTexpensive. Ground transport provides infrastructure to better serve itsa more cost-effective alternative population. for non-time-sensitive yet critical transfers, ensuring healthcare dollars THE CRITICAL NEED FOR GROUNDare utilized efficiently.TRANSPORT3. Workforce and Training: Pennsylvanias diverse geography,Pennsylvanias GCCT teams require from rural areas in the north and westa robust framework for training and to urban centers like Philadelphiaretention. Investing in paramedics and Pittsburgh, presents uniqueand nurses who specialize in critical challenges for emergency medicalcare transport can elevate the quality care. Rural communities, in particular,of service and address current often lack immediate access toworkforce shortages.advanced healthcare facilities, creating a reliance on timely and capableTHE ROLE OF EMERGENCY transport services. Ground critical carePHYSICIANStransport fills a vital gap in these areas, providing an essential bridge betweenEmergency and EMS physicians are community hospitals and tertiary careuniquely positioned to advocate centers equipped to handle complexfor and influence the expansion of 10 PACEP News | Winter 2025'