b'PACEP SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY 2024 CPC REVIEWWhat is the Diagnosis?A special thank you to Alexandra Amaducci DO, FACEP for organizing the CPC competition during Scientific Assembly, to Samuel Steinman MD from Lehigh Valley Health Network for submitting the case and being the resident presenter, and Matthew Dougherty MD from UPMC for being the discussant.CPC CASE EMS brings an elderly woman who is a frequentSTUDY flier from a nursing home with recurrent sepsis. She smells like a UTI. THE CASEPMhx: GERD, DM2, HTN, SVT, CHF, dementia,Labs:meningioma, suprapubic catheter, HLD Meds: acetaminophen, atorvastatin, Dulcolax, Glucose 86GFR 7calcium multivitamin, famotidine, metformin, BUN 72Lactate 17.9gabapentin, miconazole powder, pramipexoleCr 6.15BNP 1123 Na 137pH 7PE: VS: HR 98bpm, BP 108/58, RR 34, temp K 7.9Pco2 2 37.4C, Spo2 95%RACl 96UA negative General: NADAG 39Cardiac: RRR, no murmurLungs: tachypnea, clear to auscultation b/lHb 12.8Abdomen: nontender, foley catheter in placeHct 41.8Neuro: at baselineWBC 32.3Remainder of examination WNLPlt 445 Abs neutrophils 28.7 Bands 1 What test will make the diagnosis?What is the final diagnosis?see conclusion on page 22PACEP News | Winter 2025 19'