b'ACEP Council 2023advocacy, public policy, and emergency Addressing Pediatric Mental Healthmedicine practice. Drafting resolutionsBoarding in Emergency Departments and participating in Council is our(adopted as amended)opportunity to have our voices heard onAdvocating for Increased Funding for critical topics affecting our patients andEMS (not adopted)our profession.Advocating for SufficientPACEP is actively involved in the Council.Reimbursement for Emergency This year alone, our PennsylvaniaPhysicians in Critical Access Hospitals chapter sent a delegation of 31and Rural Emergency Hospitals "Welcome to Phillythe City ofcouncilors to participate in the meeting.(adopted as amended)Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.Of those 31 councilors, PACEP isIn Memory of Michael Kleinman, DO Richard Hamilton, MD, MBA, FACEP,allotted 18 voting members, and(adopted)PACEP President, dressed as Rocky,the remainder serve as alternates.Cooperation Between National ACEP kicked off the welcome to ACEPOur PACEP colleagues submittedand State Chapters (Co-Sponsored) Council 23 in Philadelphia fromsix resolutions and co-sponsored an(referred to the Board)October 7th through October 8th. additional two resolutions out of 62ACEP Financial Decision Transparency presented at the 2023 Council. One(Co-Sponsored) (adopted as Here is a brief review of the ACEPsubmission was amemorial resolutionamended)Council. Once a year Council meetsfor Michael Kleinman, DO. The outcome to introduce and discuss resolutionsof resolutions results in one of theIn closing, ACEP Council 2023 was that shape and direct the work andfollowing four actions: (a) adopted (witha tremendous success. Like past mission of the College. The missionamendments), (b) referred to the Board,Council meetings, the deliberation not only brings us together, but it alsoand (c) not adopted.of resolutions continues to enhance brings us alive. To help put our missionBelow please find a list ofthe quality of patient care, maintain into action, the delegates vote onPennsylvania\'s resolutions and thephysician wellness, protect resolutions to make changes to theactions taken by Council: reimbursements, and prevent the bylaws, the College Manual, and Councilscope of practice creep. Standing Rules. Importantly, Council Opposing Sale-Leaseback We hope that you enjoy a few of provides all members of ACEP the abilityTransactions by Health Systemsthe photos from ACEP Council, our to contribute to the work of the College.(referred to the Board) PACEP Delegation Dinner, and our This openness and invitation help us to Addressing the Growing Epidemic Pennsylvania hosted reception atfurther advance the Council\'s missionof Pediatric Cannabis ExposureThe National Constitution Center. through governance, membership,(adopted)10 PACEP News | Fall 2023'