b'PACEP SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY 2024 CPC REVIEWThe Resolution:CPC CASE STUDY Syncope & Encephalopathy 44-year-old female presented to the ER after a syncopal episode, seizure-like activity andRESULTSloss of consciousnessTest to order:CT Abdomen/Pelvis with IV contrast Diagnosis:De Garengeot hernia with incarcerated acute appendicitisPatient course:patient started on piperacillin-tazobactam, went to the OR and found to have an acutely inflamed appendix located inside femoral hernia sac with slightly murky fluid. The appendectomy was performed and hernia repaired. Patient was discharged the following day De Garengeot hernia with incarcerated acute appendicitisAppendix is present within 1% of right femoral hernias and becomes incarcerated with acute appendicitis in 0.1% of cases Symptoms may include groin swelling and pain; fever, N/V or other VS abnormalities are less reliable CT is the most sensitive imaging choiceThere is a risk of abscess, obstruction or necrotizing infectionSeeking Videos for Train in PABy Christopher J. Wilson, MD, FACEP Chair Education CommitteePACEP and the PACEP Education Committee would like to promotePennsylvania residencies in its #traininpa campaign for the 2024-2025recruiting and match season. Our request of PA residency programs thatwould like to participate is to make a 20-30 second video promoting theirresidency and the #traininpa campaign.Videos will be uploaded to PACEP social media and allied organizations as wellas featured on the website to promote exposure to prospective student applicants.We request if you wish to participate in this campaign that you provide video to the email exec@pacep.net by December 15, 2024, and close the video with Train in PA.26 PACEP News | Fall 2024'