b'PACEP SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY 2024 CPC REVIEWWhat is the Diagnosis?A special thank you to Alexandra Amaducci DO, FACEP for organizing the CPC competition during Scientific Assembly, to Timothy Schisselbauer, MD from St. Lukes Health Network for submitting the case and being the resident presenter, and Anthony Sielicki, MD from Jefferson Einstein for being the attending discussant.CPC CASE 2 74-year-old female presenting with R groinSTUDY swelling, overlying erythema and tenderness THE CASE PCP ordered outpatientwith overlying erythema,US which showed antenderness to palpation. inconclusive resultNot reducible, no drainage, ALT 13 No N/V/D purulence or fluctuance Alk phos 65 Reported home temperature Protein 6.9 100.1F Labs:Albumin 3.6PMhx/PShx: remote WBC 8.94T bili 0.46salpingectomyHb 12.3EGFR 86 Allergies: none Hct 37.2Lipase 14 PE: VS: HR 88bpm, RR 18, Plt 203Lactate 0.6 BP 147/84, Spo2 99%, Temp Na 135Outpatient Ultrasound98.9FK 3.75.1 x 4.5 x 2.8 cm lesionPhysical Exam:Cl 103 contains complex fluid andGeneral: NADCO2 25 a lobulated 2 cm echogenicCardiac: RRR, no murmursAG 7 structureof unclear Pulm: effort normal, clear BUN 8 etiologypresence of to auscultationCr 0.67 complex fluid may indicate Abdomen: soft, ND, ND Glu100 superimposed infection no rebound or guarding; Ca 9.0firm swelling in R groin AST 14What test will make the diagnosis?What is the final diagnosis?see conclusion on page 26PACEP News | Fall 2024 23'