b'PEP-PAC 24/7$ 7/24Emergency Physicians take pride in caring for all patients no matter the time of day, complaint or ability to pay. The PACEP Political Action Committee (PEP-PAC) extends our influence beyond the bedside to halls of Harrisburg. Nurse Practitioners continue to fight for independent PEP-PAC is proudly and refreshingly non-partisan, practiceWe cannot allow this to happen. making contributions to Democrats and Republicans. Nursing Unions continue to lobby with big money toIn 2024, PEP-PACs efforts paid off.We successfully mandate strict inpatient nurse ratios, which wouldadvocated for tele-medicine legislation requiring health severely exacerbate our throughput and ED Boardinginsurers and managed care plans to pay for covered issuesWe cannot allow this to happen.health care services provided through telemedicineThats a Big Win. Trial Lawyers continue to venue shop, trialing PEP-PAC supported HB 1633, co-sponsored by Rep. malpractice cases in jurisdictions that are likely to sideFrankel and former PACEP President Rep. Arvind Venkat, with the plaintiffWe cannot allow this to keepwhich bans non-compete contracts for physicianshappening. Thats a Big Win. PEP-PAC is the lobbying arm of PACEP.PEP-PAC uses PEP-PAC waged grassroots efforts to stop the nurse funds share our expertise with lawmakers about theratios bill and independent practice for NPs, and got us a issues affecting Emergency Medicine, and we rely onseat at the table to discuss medical malpractice reformyour contributions. We need to keep fighting.Your contributions matter. We work 24/7for our patients; now we are humblyrequesting $7 in 24 a recurring donation of $7/month enables PEP-PAC to advocate for the laws that we need to fulfill our mission and advance our specialty.Donations ofDONATE NOW$250 get access to the VIP room atPennsylvania Scientific Assembly!PACEP News | Fall 2024 17'