b"EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE go back to page 1private equitys impact on emergencyAfter the meeting, I spent some timetrends in larger practice size and hospital physicians and health care. Khanreading publications from Dr. Burns.system formation have been occurring discussed the FTC's efforts, such asHis work concludes that healthcareslowly for decades. Because of this requiring companies to report theirconsolidation (both vertical andslow change, physicians have been acquisition history to prevent harmfulhorizontal), despite the best ofable to make gradual adjustments and consolidation. In addition, she wasintentions, has not resulted in higheradaptations, albeit unhappily in many clearly interested in hearing individualquality at reduced cost. It is rising fastercases. I suppose that makes us the frog stories about non-competes andthan growth in gross domestic productthat slowly gets boiled. The truth is that, private equity.(GDP) despite a multitude of reformso far, consolidation is associated with Lawton R. Burns, Ph.D., MBA, is aefforts. One particularly interestinghigher costs, doubtful improvements in renowned expert in healthcareobservation he has made is that thequality, and more stressed physicians management and economics. He hassingle most disruptive force in US health- all contrary to what transformation extensively researched and writtencare may be the federal governmentadvocates had envisioned.about the impact of private equityand CMS. The US government and CMSWhat does this all mean for us as and consolidation in the healthcaremakes decisions that force corporations,emergency physicians? First, reflect industry. His work delves into thephysicians, hospitals, and insurers toon the observation that the only true dynamics of how private equity firmsrespond. None of these changes havedisruptor to the healthcare industry is invest in healthcare organizationsdemonstrably resulted in improvedthe government and CMS. Physicians, and the subsequent effects of thesequality of care. Burns concludes thatpayers, corporations, hospitals - they investments on the industry. Burnsquality only improves when physiciansare all in react mode! That means that - highlighted the trend of healthcarechange how they work, not howbar none - political action and advocacy entities merging with the result of anthey get paid or what organizationalis job one for organized emergency increase in size and revenue ratherstructure employs them. I would arguemedicine. We need to tell our stories, than an improvement in care qualitythat reducing payment for physicianand we need to tell them to our or reduced costs. His description of theservices means that physicians havegovernment leaders and its agencies. healthcare landscape as one of chaoticto work faster with less opportunity non-collaboration rang true. He alsofor meaningful interaction withThose stories are powerful and stressed the importance of personalpatients and has reduced the quality- are the currency of change. Get stories and political advocacy whereof-care relative to the improvementinvolved folks! Its the only way healthcare consolidation adverselyin diagnostic technology. One further observation that Burns makes is thatthings will get better! affected patient care.Are you ready to become a Fellow?Youll need: Three continuous years of ACEP membershipBoard Certification in EM the ABEM or AOBEM or Pediatric EM by ABP To learn more visit:Three years of active involvement in EM (exclusive of residency training) https://www.acep.org/membership/membership/join- Proven, active involvement in three or more areas of leadership acep/fellow-status/ PACEP News | Fall 2023 3"