b'Lobbyist UpdateBy Bigley and Blikle, LLC DOH INITIATES PROCESS TOEMS, Disaster, and Terrorism EASE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTPreparedness Committee Board OVERCROWDINGLiaison Christopher Berry, MDEMS/Prehospital Care Workgroup In August, the PennsylvaniaPACEP Member Erik Kochert, MD - Department of Health (DOH) initiatedIn-Hospital Barriers & Challenges stakeholder workgroups to analyzeWorkgroup factors that lead to ED boarding and to evaluate potential remedies to ease ED overcrowding. PACEP is engaged inDOH STARTS, STOPS HOSPITAL this process along with representativesREGULATION STAKEHOLDERS from the Pennsylvania Medical SocietyPROCESS Jonathan Bigley and the Hospital and HealthsystemAlso in August, the Pennsylvania Partner, Bigley & Blikle Association of Pennsylvania. ThisDepartment of Health (DOH) initiated initiative is ongoing. a stakeholders process to review Several PACEP leaders and membersand improve the Commonwealths volunteered to be the Voice ofhospital regulations. DOH scheduled Emergency Medicine in various15 workshop sessions during workgroups. PACEP and the Bigley andwhich stakeholders were to receive Blikle lobbying team thanks them forDepartment plans for regulation their willingness to engage with theupdates and to provide comments state government on this critical issue. on DOHs proposed amendments.PACEP leaders participating inUnfortunately, the process ended after workgroups include: four workgroup sessions. Ultimately, the task was deemed to be larger President Jennifer Savino, DO andthan DOH could continue with the ED President-Elect Elizabeth Werley, MDovercrowding process underway as well.Planning WorkgroupAgain, several PACEP leaders and President Jennifer Savino, DO members volunteered to represent Primary Care/Behavioral Healthpatients and emergency physicians Workgroupinterests in this process. PACEP and the President-Elect Elizabeth Werley, MDB & B team thanks them for their timeHealthcare Workforce Workgroupand efforts on this important issue.Vice President Blake Bailey, DOPACEP leaders who participated inTransfer to External Facilitiesworkshop sessions included:(Behavioral Health, LTCF)President-Elect Elizabeth Werley, Treasurer Theresa Walls, MD MDNursing Services / Pharmacy Pediatrics WorkgroupServices / Medical Record Services Secretary Holly Stankewicz, DOWorkshopSocial Determinants of HealthGovernmental Affairs/Medical WorkgroupEconomics Committee Co-chair 6 PACEP News | Fall 2024'