b'A Preview to the 2024 Application Cycle and Match for Emergency Medicine By Elizabeth Barrall Werley, MD, FACEPIn addition to my clinical and teachingERAS (Electronic Residency Application roles, as well as my involvementService) underwent a major overhaul with PACEP, Im also actively involvedover the past year and these changes are with CORD-EM (Council of Residencyanalyzed and refined throughout this Directors in Emergency Medicine).years application cycle for subsequent Within CORD-EM, Im the current Chairyears. I say all of this to provide context of the Application Process Improvementand hopefully demonstrate the intended Committee, and through this role, Ivecredibility with which I share any helped provide application and interviewinformation. In preparation for the CORD season guidance to applicants, advisors,Town Hall which occurred the first day and programs, developed best practicesof ACEP, I reached out to our colleagues for this application and interview season,at the AAMC and they were kind enough and I work with the CORD-EM Board ofto pull preliminary application results for Elizabeth Barrall Werley, MD, FACEP Directors and other groups such as theEmergency Medicine. PACEP Vice President 2023-2024 EM Match Task Force to analyze data andThe information below is select data provide further guidance to our specialty.representing EM application data for the Additionally, another colleague and I arefirst 7 days after ERAS opened to programs, the two representatives for EM workingfor the 2020 match cycle to now.as advisors with the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) while As can be seen here, there was a sizeableand perhaps provides some optimism for increase in the overall total numberour specialty. However, there has been of applicants applying to EM, and ana rather significant shift in the applicant increase, albeit to a lesser extent, in thepool that is worth noting.total number of applications. At first glance, this can be seen as reassuring, 16 PACEP News | Fall 2023'