b'Angela Cai, MDAdmission andlegislative staff, House of MedicineNON-COMPETE AGREEMENT Discharge / Medical Staff / Dieteticrepresentatives, and nursingLEGISLATION ENACTEDServices Workshopprofessional organizations have Board Member Christopher Berry, MDmet to determine whether commonHB 1633, sponsored by House HealthPodiatry Services / Fire, Safety, andground exists to reach a compromiseCommittee Chair Dan Frankel (D, Disaster Services / Initial Constructionon expanding nurse scope of practice. Allegheny) and former PACEP president and Continuing Operating StandardsThus far, the process has yielded aRepresentative Arvind Venkat (D, Workshoprecitation of past positions. Allegheny), will restrict healthcare noncompete agreements to a one-year PACEP leaders who were slated toThe House of Medicine organizations,period and will restore physicians and participate in cancelled workshopof which PACEP is a part, have plainlyothers rights to freely practice where sessions included: stated that an agreement with nursingand when they chose.The Pennsylvania President Jennifer Savino, DO andinterests was reached less than fiveGeneral Assembly overwhelming Vice President Blake Bailey, DO years ago and should be implementedenacted landmark legislation in early Laboratory Services / Rehabilitationbefore any further scope of practiceJuly. Now Act 74 of 2024, the legislation Services / Special Care Unitslegislation is considered. Underwas signed into law by Governor Josh Workshopthat agreement, Advanced PracticeShapiro on July 17, 2024.Nurses could achieve a measure President-Elect Elizabeth Werley, MDof independence if they agreed toThis legislation deals withDental Services / Quality Assurancepractice in medically underservedemployment contracts for health care and Performance Improvement /areas of the Commonwealth. The pilotproviders, but its really about patient Telemedicine Workshopprogram would last five years and acareit protects the long-term patient-Vice President Blake Bailey, DOstudy of its effectiveness for patients,care giver relationship that builds trust and Governmental Affairs/Medicalor lack thereof, would be conducted toand improves outcomes, said Chairman Economics Committee Co-chairdetermine whether the pilot programFrankel said in a recent press release.Angela Cai, MDEmergency Serviceswould be continued or expanded. We know its not always easy to find / Outpatient Services and Short-Termthe right health care provider, and its Procedure Units / Nuclear MedicineNursing interests contend that theirimportant that our laws not interfere Services / Professional Libraryscope of practice was expanded duringwith your ability to maintain that Services Workshopthe declared COVID health emergency,crucial relationship.therefore, their practice should be PACEP Member Richard Heath, MD expanded during the post-COVIDIn the same statement, Representative Social Work Services / Environmentalera. Studies show, however, thatVenkat said, As a physician-legislator, Services / Central Supply Servicesindependent nurse practice leads toI know that noncompete covenants Workshopmisdiagnoses, unnecessary testing andunnecessarily restrict patient access to imagining, and higher healthcare costs. the clinician of their choice and make NURSE SCOPE OF PRACTICEPennsylvania a less desirable place STAKEHOLDERS PROCESSThe B & B advocacy team anticipatesfor health professionals to practice. UNDERWAYthis process will continue throughI am proud to have worked with the fall legislative session. We expectRepresentative Frankel to pass this Under the auspices of Houseno legislative action in the remainingbipartisan legislation through the state Professional Licensure Committeesession days. House to improve patient access in our Chair Frank Burns (D, Cambria),commonwealth.continue reading on page 8PACEP News | Fall 2024 7'