b'Representative Venkats growingand other healthcare professionals islikely top $300,000.00 by years end.influence in the House Democraticnearing legislative action.AccordingRarely do rank-and-file House members Caucus, and its leaderships commitmentto Chairman Frankel, Pennsylvaniagarner these kinds of numbers, let to enact this important program.is in a minority of states that have noallow a freshman legislator. Buoyed This innovative legislation is designedlaws on the books to limit the useby the raised $40,000 plus captured to leverage government funds toof restrictive covenants, also knownduring a May Harrisburg fundraiser relieve the medical debts of thousandsas non-competes, which puts us atsponsored by PEP-PAC, Representative of low-income residents. The originala competitive disadvantage when itVenkat has held events in Allegheny bill, HB 78, passed the state House oncomes to attracting top talent to ourCounty and across the state to stave off a bipartisan 11489 vote on June 26. medical community.Representativeany potential challenger and to assist HB 78 remains in the Senate Health andArvind Venkat is the prime co-sponsormedically-like minded colleagues.Human Services Committee. of HB 1633. The legislation is expectedHis healthcare policy acumen and to be reported from the House Healthhis fundraising abilities combine to NONCOMPETE LEGISLATIONCommittee before the fall session ends. create this rising star in the House GETTING LEGSDemocratic Caucus. Congratulations to VENKAT CONTINUES TORepresentative Venkat.House Health Committee Chair DanOUTRAISE NEARLY EVERYONE Frankels legislation prohibitingRepresentative Arvind Venkats noncompete agreements for physiciansprodigious fundraising efforts will 2023 PACEP Virtual Residency Fair RecapBy Dhimitri Nikolla, DO, MS, FACEPThe 2023 PACEP Virtual Residencyto both programs and applicants. For Fair was a great success! We had 15example, next year, we are considering emergency medicine residency programsholding a speed dating event where join us, and 86 applicants registered fromsmaller groups of applicants rotate 72 different medical schools. It was thebetween programs for shorter periods. most diverse group of applicants sinceThis would ensure that each program we began this event in 2020!gets face time with each applicant and We received very positive feedback fromeach applicant gets a more personal both programs and applicants. However,interaction with each program.we strive to continue to improve the event so that it continues to be valuable Dhimitri Nikolla, DO, MS, FACEPPACEP Wellness/YP Committee Chair PACEP News | Fall 2023 7'