b'PACEP EDUCATION COMMITTEE UPDATE: Successful Central Residents Day By Monisha Bindra, DO, MPH, FACEPPACEP President Richard HamiltonAfter four hours of competition and MD, FACEP welcomed all the programsfun inside and outside of the Nixon before the start of the activities. As partNature Center, we were able to gather of his commentary, he discussed theeveryone for a group picture followed importance of being connected to eachby a boxed lunch. We thank Dr. Billet other and the specialty of Emergencyand her program for hosting a fun filled Medicine through PACEP/ACEP. Heday of group educational activities and reminded the residents that the goalfriendly competition and cant wait to of the College is to support physicianssee what UPMC Harrisburg organizes throughout the various stages ofnext year!their career and enable our purposeThe PACEP board meeting took place of caring for all patients throughonsite at the conclusion where we Monisha Bindra, DO, MPH, FACEP education and advocacy.discussed our progress in developing PACEP Education Committee ChairThere were 120 learners in total, whoa strong curriculum for our upcoming were divided into twelve groups withBouncebacks and Bouncing Back On Thursday, September 7thwild animal names to symbolize theScientific Assembly planned for May residents and visiting medicaloutdoor setting. Each team rotated2-4, 2024, at Kalahari Resort in the students from WellSpan Health,through a variety of hands-on skillPoconos. We look forward to seeing Penn State Health, UPMC andstations that tested their toxicology,many of you there and hope that you Reading Hospital-Tower Healthultrasound, Sexual Transmittedalso got a chance to say hi to one Infections (STI), wilderness medicine,another at ACEP Scientific Assembly in came together at Richard Nixonradiology, needle cricothyroidotomy,Philadelphia this October.Park in York to celebrate Central PApericardiocentesis and splintingWe are always looking for people to Residents Day. knowledge. The day certainly wouldntshare in the collaborative efforts of the The Olympic style event was hostedhave been a success without the creativeMedical Education Committee! If you by WellSpan Healths Emergencystyles of the attendings at each program.are interested in joining our committee, Medicine Residency and was led byThey successfully put together diversesend an email to Jan Reisinger attheir program director, Amber Billetinteractive stations that challenged ourexec@pacep.net. We look forward to MD, FACEP.residents physically and mentally.meeting you or seeing you again!Did You Know PACEP Has a Job Bank?To learn more about open positions or to learn more about advertising a position, visit the PACEP Website. CURRENT POSTINGS INCLUDE: Emergency Physician - ChristianaCare Emergency Medicine Residency Program Director20 PACEP News | Fall 2023'