b'ADVOCACYENGAGEMENT Your continued PACEP and ACEP membership and engagement are ACEP at the AMA House of Delegates Residency Visits appreciated! ACEPs delegation to the AMA HouseResidency visits by ACEP and Chapter of Delegates continues to representleaders are ongoing As always, please reach out with the interests of emergency physiciansGeriatric ED Accreditation questions, comments, or other and our patients in the AMA. Notably,feedback to me at ckraus@acep.the ACEP delegation is working closelyorg. Your input matters and theThe ACEP Geriatric Emergency with the ACEP Board to advanceDepartment Accreditation (GEDA)Board is listening to you! physician-led teams and physicianprogram now has over 500 sites staffing of emergency departments. participating in the improvementThank you for the opportunity to of emergency department care forrepresent you on the ACEP Board.State Legislative Dashboardgeriatric patientsACEP has introduced a State Legislative Dashboard where membersWHATS NEXTcan view ACEPs impact in legislation that affects emergency physicians:The ACEP Board will meet in December https://www.acep.org/state-advocacy/ 2024 for an annual retreat. state-legislative-dashboardCELEBRATE WELLNESS!If you have a healthy recipe that you would like to share, please email it to Jan Reisinger at exec@pacep.net. The PACEP Wellness/Young Physicians Committee will select recipes for the PACEP website, as well as a favorite for publication in the PACEP News each quarter.Strawberry Smoothie320 kcal, 25g proteinRecipe contributed by Michael Galuska, MD, FACEPWellness Committee MemberMy go to smoothie of the summer, great1 dannon light and fit greek strawberry cheesecake yogurtfor a cold snack or breakfast on the go: 1/4 cup granola5 frozen strawberries8 oz fat free milkPACEP N ews | Fall 2024 21PACEP News | Spring 2024'