b"ACEP Council 2024Here is a brief review of the ACEPOf those councilors, PACEP is allottedMemorial resolutions:Council. Once a year Council meets18 voting members, and the remainder 7(24) In Memory of Neal F. Aulick II,to introduce and discuss resolutionsserve as alternates. Our PACEPMD, FACEPthat shape and direct the work andcolleagues submitted ten resolutions 12(24) In Memory of Jesse A. Weigel,mission of the College.which included 3 memorial resolutions. MD, FACEPSummary of PACEP Resolutions:66(24) In Memory of Christopher The mission not only brings us together, but it also brings us alive. 13(24) Allocation of Councillors-Karns, DO To help put our mission into action,Bylaws AmendmentADOPTED asIn closing, ACEP Council 2024 was the delegates vote on resolutionsamended a tremendous success. Like past to make changes to the bylaws, the 20(24) Advisory Council for All ofCouncil meetings, the deliberationCollege Manual, and Council StandingEmergency MedicineNOT adoptedof resolutions continues to enhance Rules. Importantly, Council provides(will revise and submit next year) the quality of patient care, maintain all members of ACEP the ability to 32(24) Preventing Harmful Healthphysician wellness, protect contribute to the work of the College. This openness and invitation help us toCare DealsADOPTED as amended reimbursements, and prevent the scope33(24) Promotion of Nursing inof practice creep. further advance the Council's mission through governance, membership,Emergency MedicineADOPTED asWe hope that you enjoy a few of the advocacy, public policy, and emergencyamended photos from ACEP Council and our medicine practice. Drafting resolutions 34(24) Reimbursement for EmergencyPACEP Delegation Dinner. and participating in Council is ourPhysician Services Provided Out-of- Save the Date for Council 2025 which opportunity to have our voices heardHospitalADOPTEDwill be held September 56, 2025 in on critical topics affecting our patients 39(24) Urgent Care Transparency on Salt Lake City, Utah.and our profession. Available Resources and CredentialsPACEP is actively involved in the Council.ADOPTED If you are interested in serving as a This year alone, our Pennsylvania 53(24) Emergency Nursing andcouncillor or alternate councillor,chapter sent a delegation of 24Emergency Department Accreditationplease contact Jan Reisinger at councilors to participate in the meeting. REFERRAL to the Board exec@pacep.net by March 31, 2025.14 PACEP News | Fall 2024"