b'Lobbyist Updatecontinued.Among the statutes provisions,even if the alleged injury occurredTo view SB 1182, please use the link employers are required to notifyelsewhere, Senator David Argallsbelow: SB 1182 PN 1602.cfmphysicians patients how they can(R, Carbon, Luzerne, and Schuylkill(state.pa.us)transfer care to their preferredCounties) SB 1182 PN 1602 still healthcare providers. In addition,awaits action in the Senate Judiciary employers may recover physicianCommittee.Introduced on May 17, recruitment and practice costs. The newthe bill is in response to the stateSenator David law takes effect on January 1, 2025.Supreme Courts action to usher trialArgall (R, Carbon, The Pennsylvania Health Care Costlawyer venue shopping back intoLuzerne, and Containment Council is accepting publicPennsylvanias medical liability system. Schuylkill Counties) comment from practitioners to studyTo initiate a medical liability lawsuit, the impact of noncompete agreements.the plaintiffs attorney needs onlyVENKAT CONTINUES TO AMASS PACEP will submit a response on behalfaffirm that a physician certified thatCAMPAIGN CASHof its membership by the October 21,the claim has merit.No medical report 2024 deadline. PACEP thanks Houseor statement is required nor is theWhile official records are not kept, Health Committee Chair Dan FrankelCertificate of Merit evidence that theformer PACEP president and current and State Representative Arvinddefendant physician may challenge. State Representative Arvind Venkat Venkat for their diligence in protectingSB 1182 will remedy this defect and(D, Allegheny) continues to set physicians rights. reduce frivolous filings. unofficial fundraising records for a To view Act 74, please use the linkfreshman legislator. For the campaign below: 2024 Act 74 - PA Generalfinance reporting period that ended Assembly (state.pa.us) Specifically, the legislation would: May 13, Representative Venkat had 1) Define and establish the credentialscontributions totaling more than of a licensed professional who$460,000. Thus far in 2024, he has raised reviews a claim of medical liability. nearly $331,000, and in the 20232024 House Health2) Establish a process in whichelection cycle, he has tallied more than $656,000 in campaign contributions.Committee Chairthe statement of the licensed Dan Frankel (D,professional who has reviewedThese are truly astounding numbers for Allegheny)the claim will be shared with thea first term legislator.They bode well defendant medical professionalfor Representative Venkats future in the CERTIFICATE OF MERIT MEDICALand will require that the statementGeneral Assembly.LIABILITY REFORM AWAITSis shared at the time of filing the ACTION IN SENATE JUDICIARYcertificate of merit. COMMITTEE 3)Require, as part of the statement, that the licensed professional be Despite growing evidence that medicalidentified, and their curriculum vitaeRepresentative liability lawsuits are unnecessarilybe included as part of the CertificateArvind Venkat (D, being brought in Philadelphia Countyof Merit filing. Allegheny)8 PACEP News | Fall 2024'